Improved Golf Course Conditions Increases Membership

By creating better golf course conditions, Glendora Country Club is able to drive membership to help them meet revenue and business goals

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Maintenance Over Budget and Under Expectations

Hopes were high when Glendora Country Club, a premium private equity club in California, brought us on board as their golf course maintenance partner. For years, the club had been focused on strategic initiatives — improving turf conditions for year-round play, reducing water use, and eliminating winter overseed. Yet, despite their best efforts, these objectives weren't being met.

Progress was slow and maintenance costs were coming in over budget. Both members and the board were frustrated. Worse, members were starting to leave. Our job was to improve conditions and stabilize costs.



Optimized Operations and Turf Conversion Overhaul

After completing a comprehensive audit of the club's operations and agronomic needs, our experts overlaid the results with the goals and objectives of the club board and membership. Armed with this, they created a detailed plan that would help drive membership satisfaction.

One area of focus was the course turf. The club had tried to convert the course to a monsostand kikuyu grass — a project which involved hiring contractors, purchasing large quantities of sod, and interrupting play. Our experts brought the work in-house, leveraging our purchasing power and the knowledge of our PhD agronomists while maximizing existing crew and minimizing disruptions to play.

Within two years, the turf conversion project was 95 percent complete, which significantly reduced overseeding and provided substantial cost savings in water and seed purchasing.

Our team also conducted a review of the course’s maintenance operations to help streamline labor workflow and increase efficiency. Programs and processes were implemented to clarify priorities on a daily basis, proactively maintain equipment to minimize repair downtime, and eliminate time wasted on trips to the supply yard for missing tools.



30-Percent Increase in Efficiency and Membership Up

To date, the club estimates that these changes have improved overall efficiency by 20 to 30 percent, while stabilizing costs. Club members are thrilled with the quality of the greens and new members are joining. Within six months, 74 new members joined the club. As for the board and management, they were, and continue to be, happy that our team exceeded and continues to exceed their expectations.

Outstanding Golf Course Maintenance

You set the standard, we make it happen. We’re laser-focused on continuously refining the science, technology, and operations of golf course maintenance so we can bring our clients a competitive advantage and a course their players are proud of.