People baseball Japan

The New York Times: As the M.L.B. Season Opens in Japan, at Least the Dirt is Familiar

Foreign soil feels like home thanks to BrightView

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The MLB 2019 season in Japan began with a home run thanks to the 12-ton infield dirt mix that was brought in from the United States to make the foreign field feel like home.

BrightView’s President of Sports Turf, Murray Cook, has been a consultant with MLB for almost 30 years. Cook and his team were called on to make the field as close as possible to what players experience in U.S. stadiums. 

“The commissioner’s office and players’ association have a big plan to develop the game worldwide and with that they need fields,” said Cook, who is also the president of the commercial landscaper BrightView’s Sports Turf. “So I get tasked with these fun projects from them to create these canvases for the players to go out and perform.”

To read the full article, visit The New York Times.


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